Two, four, six, eight!
Hack, slash, decapitate!
Disembowel, disembowel!
We want blood!
(Optional response:)
Why do we like blood?
Blood makes the grass grow!
We want blood! OR We love grass!
Slice 'em, dice 'em,
Hit 'em in the knee!
Maie them, tame them,
Make them bleed!
Any generic three-beat chant of a character name-
Examples: Mar-i-an! Mar-i-an! | Ro-bin Hood! Rob-in Hood! | King Ar-thur! King Ar-thur!
Hack, slash, decapitate!
Disembowel, disembowel!
We want blood!
(Optional response:)
Why do we like blood?
Blood makes the grass grow!
We want blood! OR We love grass!
Slice 'em, dice 'em,
Hit 'em in the knee!
Maie them, tame them,
Make them bleed!
Any generic three-beat chant of a character name-
Examples: Mar-i-an! Mar-i-an! | Ro-bin Hood! Rob-in Hood! | King Ar-thur! King Ar-thur!